Monday, January 4, 2010

Sleepless Nights and Restless Days

The wind swept through her hair as the girl strode through the tall grass of the stormy grounds. Rain was coming, and the breezes clashed as they raced, causing the tall reeds to dance playfully in their wake. The sky was dark, but the stunted sun shot it's rays through the clouds. She looked around her, robes clutched close to her body, skirts swirling about her as she stood, her eyes trying to see everything at once. It was beautiful. She felt like she were at sea, watching the storm tossed waves of an ocean in conflict.

Drops of water splashed her face every now and then, too rare to be much warning for the turbulence to come. Most students were holed away in their common rooms, playing wizard chess by a roaring fire. But she relished in this sort of weather- the kind that ruled the world, and was powerful enough to trump humanity's plans. She closed her eyes, feeling the rain pelt faster, the grainy sound joining the rush of wind that filled her ears. She could hear her mother's voice now, scolding her for the childish behavior.

The rain hurled now, drenching her hair through her raised hood. Her robes, once billowing out around her in response to the furied winds, clung to her form desperately, as if searching for a safe hold to her vulnerable self. She stood strong, fighting to keep her balance as the storm surged around her, trying to bring her down. The thought, that she could get hurt, crossed her mind once, but how much damage could be done in the midst of a grassy field?

She could hear the rain increasing in fury, and she smiled at the breathtaking chorus. Nature played for her, and she reveled in the sounds. The great, booming drums that pounded out their thick, deep calls as the thunder clashed, followed by the frenzied trace of lightening across the sky. The clouds lit, and she glimpsed the scattered light through the blackened clouds. Oboes and flutes sounded their high pitched squeals as wind whipped around her, finding nooks and crannies in the atmosphere that only it could make use of.

Black washed the sky draining the clouds of light. Blindness over took her and, though she could feel the rush of the storm around her, the girl could see nothing but the darkness that engulfed her. A high pitch scream overreached the squeals of the wind and rain, her heart beat racing to meet it till she was sure she would burst. There was no more breath, no more air, no more life. She struggled to run, but to her greatest dismay the winds that swished about her tied her to the spot, and all her struggles were for naught...

Cissa shot up into the dark, sitting straight in her four poster bed, a flash of lightening painting the room white before it ebbed away, leaving darkness behind. She looked around, her chest heaving as she gasped for air. A dream... it was only a dream. She rolled her eyes as she tried to calm herself, but her body was just not having it. She felt rediculous. She felt weak.

Thrusting her heavy green comforter away, Narcissa swung her legs over her bed and let herself down. Her dorm mates were fast asleep, barely aware of the rain outside. She felt silly, ashamed. They made no sense to her- nightmares. Not that this one was particularly a nightmare, but she could remember the horrid closing feeling of her chest, and the panic that rose so swiftly upon being held in one place. She was not one for submission, no matter who or what was doing the controlling.

Cissa grabbed her dress robe and threw it on over her nightgown. The hall beyond her door was dark and silent- not a sound to be heard save for the distant echo of the storm's trials. She tip toed to the head of the stairs that led to the Slytherin common room and, descending, laid her slender hand on the banister for support. A step creaked, squealing dangerously into the night, causing her to wince and pause.

Content after a few moments' silence that the noise had disturbed no one, Narcissa continued down the stairs and let herself into the common room. High ceilings allowed for a spacious feeling, and the dark grains and hues of the interior echoed the wealth of the given house. Green was everywhere, either blatantly or subtly- in the upholstery of the overstuffed couches, the marbling of the lofty fireplace, even the gilding that edged every statue and frame. It was grand, without a doubt, but there was no denying the beauty of the place.

Her arms hugged her robe closer to her waist, and Narcissa sank lazily into one of the couches that were situated closer to the fire. Her eyes locked with the brazen flames, and moments passed as she watched them flicker, licking at the stacked logs that kept them strong. It was now, most probably, well past midnight and, despite the promise of busy classes for the next day, Cissa could not bring herself to leave the room. She didn't feel sleepy- instead she felt antsy and alert. At this point, she felt she'd never go to sleep. With a sigh, she grabbed a book from the maple coffee table before her, she settled into the cushions and opened it in her lap. It was something to do, and maybe a bit of a read would help her body claim sleep.

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