Sunday, January 3, 2010

Awkward Lesson

14 April, 2008 (9:46pm) - 5 May, 2008 (11:18am)
Asahria followed the path she knew as the way to the Dark Arts class room, she could actually say she might be on time today. It had been a surprise to her when she had woken up early, that was definitely unusual for her. She had gathered her belongings and still had time to make herself resemble something which was of decent appearance. Asahria smiled slightly as her feet echoed about in the corridor, she was dimly excited for this class for some reason or another it had always been a favorite of hers.

She laughed slightly recalling her last experience there, it had definitely been interesting. The class had been introduced to the tripping jinx and Aife and herself had been volunteered. It had surely been an interesting experience, though she didn't necessarily care for the sensation which the spell lapsed on it's victims. That had almost been an unfortunate accident, but luckily she had managed to catch her fall before falling flat on her face.

Asahria smiled as the doors came into view and she gleefully made her way to them, wondering what was in store for her today. Gently she placed her fingers about the handles and drew the door open, surprised to see the classroom full of a mixture of students, no matter the year. Fleetingly her eyes flicked to first Yuki then Caelen, well this would be interesting if not fun. At least, she knew some of the students in the class room. That was definitely a good change from ancient runes where she knew no one.

Asahria offered a slight wave as she drew her bag over her shoulder and began shuffling through her items, she wanted to have everything ready just in case. After finding herself satisfied she took a seat and smiled to her classmates and professor. Good morning Yuki, Caelen. she nodded to the pair and smiled at the stranger. I'm glad to be back Professor Feck.
Caelen's eyes flickered away from the professor and towards the students that were beginning to walk in. Well it looked like he wouldn't be the only in here after all and he wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or not. The Asian boy took a seat next to him and Caelen raised an eyebrow slightly. That was a surprise, the class was still empty so why him? He didn't ask though as Caelen really wasn't the friendly type so if the new arrival wanted introductions he would actually be the first to start it. Next came a blond that he's seen around the school before but never spoke to and she sat on the front to his great pleasure. He didn't want anymore strangers sitting next to him, it would make him feel suffocated. He already didn't even really want to be in class last thing he needed was people sitting at every open space next to him. People he didn't know at that.

The worries soon disappeared as the door opened once again and Asahria walked in. That made his day and a smile appeared on his face. He was almost afraid he would have to socialize with strangers but Ria was here. Which meant the class would be interesting for him at least. He loved to toy with her, though she did have a habit of taking the things he said much to seriously. It was part of the fun except when she felt bad afterwards and he had to solve the issue. She nodded towards them with a greeting and Caelen looked towards the boy next to him quickly. So Yuki was his name. He dismissed it just as quickly deciding he didn't care too much before returning his attention to Asharia.

"Ria... nice to see you again" He spoke her name with a drawl and a smile as he always did when they ran into each other. "Won't you sit here sweetheart?" He suggested to the empty seat next to him with a nod of his head before returning his attention towards her with a grin. "Unless you feel like being shy today" Caelen continued quickly with a smirk. He didn't really care about the others in the class who were listening to the conversation that he was currently having and class haven't begun yet so he couldn't get in trouble for speaking.
Aife walked slowly to class. The odd burst of energy she'd experienced that morning had all but dwindled and she was back to her usual calm self. The self that would so much rather be in slacks at the moment. She pulled her hair from the decorative hair tie she'd chosen that morn, and stuffed along with the bracelet and rings into her rucksack. What had she been thinking? She tried desperately to rub away the bothersome lip gloss she'd applied with her handkerchief, but it was going no where. She didn't even remember applying the sticky substance.

Students walked quickly to class, brushing by Aife as she made her way distractedly to the Dark Arts room. She passed a mirror, and caught her made up reflection in it. With a sigh, she strode on, giving up on wiping away the enchanted cosmetics. They weren't bad, just more than she was used to. The only time she got that made up was for a ball or something.

The Dark Arts rooms loomed ahead, and Aife made straight for the door. Professor Feck sat at her desk, per usual, and she greeted the woman quietly as she looked around the room. Caelen sat in the back, flanked on one side by an upperclassman. He was busy speaking to a blonde girl, Asahria, whom Aife had taken Dark Arts with the year before. She smiled when she thought of the last class, and the hex they'd practiced.

Aife made her way down Caelen's row, and came to stop at the desk before him. "Hi, Caelen", she said in greeting, and she slid into the seat behind the heavy desk, her hand dropping her bag to the floor. She bent, tucking one stray curl behind her ear, and retrieved her text book and parchment from her bulky bag. Her quill followed, and she placed the items on the desk before her.
Class wasn’t something high on Charlton’s list of priorities that much was obvious. It wasn’t exactly something you told the professor, though in this particular case – Charlton supposed in his arrogant way, that they should be vaguely pleased to have him in their class. He didn’t know the politics of bums on seats, but at least he’d made the effort. Besides, Professor Feck gave him more than enough substance to slip into a fantasyland should class prove unable to keep his attentions. Grinning impishly at himself in the mirror, Charlton finished washing up – quickly dressing; leaving his hair rumpled as ever, his slightly dishevelled look only adding to his charm.

He wasn’t aware of being late, wasn’t really aware of time, as per usual – his lazily sauntering stride hardly getting him anywhere fast. His equipment was haphazardly placed on his person, the books tucked under his arm – quills and various pieces of stationary poking out of his pockets. A bag was entirely the wrong solution for Charlton. It seemed too much like extra weight, he’d never liked being tied down in any aspect of his life. Besides, if he needed to run – it was just something else for someone to grab ahold of, right?

He was reasonably to pleased to find the Dark Arts classroom door still open, and he was able to detect the easy chatter of a class not started yet. Feeling more than a little pleased with himself for making it on time, Charlton wandered into class – his gaze alighting on the afore mentioned professor, delectable as ever. Grinning, Charlton inclined his head in greeting – still walking.

“Allo Miss.”

He added, flicking his gaze away to languidly rove about the room and its students. Without a moments hesitation, he flopped into a seat next to Aife – her flame coloured hair and porcelain complexion drawing him in as always. Winking cheerfully at her, he twisted lithely – offering an unwavering smile for Asahria and a short, barely perceptible nod for Caelen.

“Alright boys and girls…Asahria, you alright? You look a little drained…”

He asked, falsely polite – his comment directed at Caelen – who would know what he meant. Lucky for him Charlton was still alive to remind him about it. Twisting back round, he returned his attentions to Aife – busy evacuating the contents of her large bag. Shaking his head slightly in amusement – Charlton placed his book on the desk, digging a quill from his pocket.
Caelen's eyes darted to Aife quickly as she entered the classroom and made her way up the steps towards him. Well this was turning out to be an interesting class and for a moment he felt cornered. He replied with a smile and a hi of his own as she took her seat in front of him. Right in front of him. He wouldn't have minded if this was another class and other people were present. For instance if Asahria wasn't here he would have been much much happy to see her but now he wasn't sure what to do. It wasn't guilt or anything, it wasn't as if they were together, but he did like her and that would cause a problem for him.

“Allo Miss.” Caelen looked towards the voice that was greeting the teacher quickly and sighed. This was just the icing on the cake, now he would have to be in the same room with Charlton as well. This was going to lovely. He didn't even bother returning the seemingly forced nod that Charlton sent his way as he walked up the stairs and sat down next to Aife. This was going to be one long and annoying class, Caelen thought with a sigh as his happy mood at seeing Asahria disappeared completely and he leaned back in his seat. Fingers thumping against the desk as he wished the class would start and end already.

"You look a little drained…” His ears were tuned into everything around him and he picked up the false kindness under the words that were clearly suppose to be an insult to him. Caelen looked forward with a sigh and scoffed, though it was barely audible. He leaned forward on his elbows and looked around at the three people in the room that he knew quickly. "Might be from lack of sleep..." Caelen suggested towards Asahria as if agreeing with Charlton. "There were strange noises from this rabid dog last night..." He spoke quickly with a shrug of his shoulders and looked towards Charlton quickly, if he wanted to shoot off of childish insults Caelen would be happy to oblige.
Manda nodded. Well, she couldn't complain either. Well, she's got a big blob of a reason to do so, but not now. Not here. Especially not to her students. Certainly not to the only one in her class. Would anyone else show up? Hopefully. Yuki must show up now. Yuki Ishida? as his last name still Ishida Last she heard, the boy was engaged. Manda was shocked, she was... just shocked! A sixteen year old boy from her class and her old house [she had been Rouerie head of house for a term] was engaged. Was he married yet? Why wasn't she invited? Wait a second. No. No one would invite their professor to a wedding. She rolled her eyes at the wall and looked down at her desk, leaning back on her chair and placing her hands neatly on her lap.

Deciding to busy herself, Manda has opened a book and started to read some notes from her class of her last term. Classes were quite interesting. She remembers Jake Keller. Crazy kid. Didn't even remember what happened. If she remembers correctly, it was on Valentines day. Maybe there is some little devil running around shotting arrows in peoples butts. She was thankful she didn't get hit. When she was heading to her room, she remembers heard a strange buzz in the air. Rumors flying around, no doubt. Heck, even a student complained to her. Said that someone has fallen in love with him who shouldn't. Poor boy.

Chucking half heartedly and lightly, she flipped the page. At that moment, the door opened. Yuki Ishida. Or.. whatever his last name may be. She grinned at him. "Its nice to have you back, Mr. Ishida," she replied, hesitated at his surname. She had finally learned how to pronounce it and now it might be different. She smiled nevertheless. If it changed, he should correct her. Now who was he engaged to? She nodded her head to his bow. Its not like she was going to stand up and bow as well. What would the others think? Manda remained smiling when Yuki sat next to Caelen. He was always one to sit next to the only person in the room, now wasn't he? Perhaps he likes the Sournois kids. He sat next to Jake in her last class, who was a Sournois just like Sage here.

"Morning Ashley" Manda greeted as she burst into the room. She smiled at her and looked back into her book. So there were going to be a few students in her class at least. Typically, no one had sat in front yet. Well, she'll just have to move everyone, wouldn't she? Just then, another student who had attended before entered. Asahria. "Welcome back." she said, beaming. When Charlton entered, she nodded at him. He had been in her class class, she believed, but wasn't entirely sure.

This class had more kids than usual. After a minute or so, the bell rang. She sighed, standing up, and walking to the front of her desk. She nodded at everyone in her class. "Good morning, class." She said loudly, to gain their attention. She watched them for a half a second before waving her arm. "You guys will need to sit up in in the front, please." She knew they'd be annoyed with this, but it wasn't her problem. She wouldn't have to speak quite as loudly and she wouldn't have to stand. She could sit in her desk and lean forward. She smiled at them. "Well, come on guys." She told them as some of them lingered. She folded her arms and leaned back on her desk and waited quite patiently.
For some reason he felt like Caelen wasn’t pleased at all that he had sat next to him. Therefore, he started to feel rather uncomfortable. He hadn’t had any bad intentions when he had sat next to the boy, but it seemed like the Sournois boy had felt surprised about it or something. Soon his thoughts went elsewhere when someone else, a blonde girl, entered the class as well. He smiled softly to the stranger before already watching as Asahria walked inside as well. He smiled to her, saying quietly “Hello, Ria-chan!” before hearing Caelen talk to her as well. It was always a good thing if you knew at least someone from the class. And it seemed like the boy next to him knew quite a lot of people; a red headed girl walked in the class next and said hello to him and slowly he started to realize that he seriously shouldn’t have sat next to this boy. He wasn’t a… playboy was he? Something like Yuji? So many girls… You know you could let me in charge. Yuji snickered to him in his thoughts and his eyes narrowed slightly. Like in hell would I let you come. I’m here to study, not to watch you get laid. A sweatdrop appeared on his forehead even though he heard Yuji just snort and then remain quiet again. God, but could that damn spirit be annoying…

More students seemed to join the class. Next was a guy whom he didn’t recognize. And now that he looked around, he realized that there were already quite a few people. In the last classes there hadn’t been that many so this was a pleasant surprise. Manda had grown more popular. He was very happy about that; now he didn’t even have to yell out what he had planned before. So there was three guys and three girls in the class. He wondered what they were going to do today until hearing that Manda wanted them to move to sit in the front. He blinked his eyes, stayed still for a moment, before finally standing up and taking his bag with him and moved to sit on the front. Well, now he didn’t have to feel that uncomfortable anymore. Yuki wasn’t that surprised though that Manda had asked them to move to the front, because in the earlier classes she had asked them to move as well. Well, hopefully this class would be interesting.
Peyton rubbed her tired eyes as she got out of bed. She felt dizzy and exhausted though she hadn't done much the previous day. Suddenly, she snapped to attention when she saw the clock. With a squeal of surprise, she saw that she would be late for class. For some reason, she was always late on the first day. She threw on whatever she could find and looked quickly in the mirror. Blue jeans, a nice polo shirt, and loafers. She made a quick motion through her hair with her brush, grabbed her supplies, and was on her way. She secured her books with a tight grip, then started running. The wind blew her hair back, but she wasn't running at her full speed. If she had been, the classroom would be right in front of her.

She tore down the halls, holding her books tightly to her chest. She could run faster than anyone she knew. Of course, she had quite an unfair advantage. Her feet hit the ground with a light, constant tapping noise. Not many people were in the hallways, and that was not a good sign. She pushed herself to go faster. She was thankful that she had walked around to find the quickest route yesterday. Otherwise she had no doubt that she'd be very, very late. She breathed a sigh of relief when she say the room down the hall. She slowed her pace, not too worried anymore. She wondered who'd be in the class. Hopefully people she knew. She was comforted by the fact that she knew the teacher, so she wouldn't be so scared if she didn't know anyone.

Putting a smile on her face, and walking in as if she hadn't sprinted here, she looked around. She saw a couple of familiar faces, but not too many. She gave warm smile in the teacher's direction and nodded. "Uhm, I'm really sorry I'm late." She said with a sheepish grin. She sat down in the front row of to the side, suddenly feeling self conscious. She only really talked to Yuki, a fellow Rouerie, but only because he was married to Roy. It felt odd to say that, even to herself. She leaned back in the chair, not really wanting to talk to anyone. Biting her lip, she wondered why she was acting like this. Usually she was talking to everyone. So much to the point where it was annoying, but now she just wanted to sit by herself. Shaking her head, she sat up and put a smile on her face.
Asahria turned from her desk quill turning gently in her fingers as her eyes fell upon Caelen. Nice to see you as well CaelenShe offered with a slight smile. Asahria nodded to Yuki who had as well shared his greetings, it seemed like this would be an interesting class, at least she knew some of the people. Won't you sit here sweetheart?. Asahria fleetingly turned her gaze back on the boy, rolling her eyes in reply. She drew the lengths of her blonde hair over her shoulders and listened as he continued. Shy. Well she supposed that reaction came upon her quite often. She watched as another girl entered the class, Aife was her name if she recalled correctly. Biting her lower lips she watched as she took a seat before Caelen and Asahria bid her answer in a short shake of the head. Perhaps later. she complied moving her items to the front at bid of the professor.

Allo miss. Asahria's eyes widened as another perceptible voice called out over the room. Graffi. Suddenly she was hoping the class would begin. Previous incidents with both Caelen and graffi probably would not go over well, at least with them both in the room. She wrung her fingers together in frustration and took a deep breath before turning to greet him. Asahria you alright? You look a little drained. She shook her head compliantly before replying. No, I'm alright. Why? suddenly she fell fretful, was she showing something wrong. This class had gotten interesting real quick and she wasn't so sure she wanted to be here anymore.

"Might be from lack of sleep...There were strange noises from this rabid dog last night..."

Asahria found her gaze on Caelen once more, confused by their banter. She couldn't quite understand what either of them were getting at as far as she was concerned she was perfectly fine. What are you two talking about She asked in near frustration. Asahria sighed as her gaze played upon each in turn, surely this wasn't going to go over her well. She turned her head at the Professors instructions glad to have a reason to be distracted from the conversation. She sighed gently the professor lingered up front waiting to give any further instructions.
Aife sat in her desk, hands wringing actively. She'd never had a class with Caelen before, and she wondered how it would turn out. Come to think of it, she'd only ever been alone with him, even at the Valentines Day Dance. For a moment she thought about turning around to ask how he was, and then Charlton walked in. Immediately, her smile stretched, before it was cast away from her shocked expression. What would she do with both Charlton and Caelen in class with her? Oh dear... she thought, and her hands increased their worried actions.

To Aife's horror, and yet also pleasure, Charlton took his seat beside her, offering her a wink and grin. She looked up to the teacher, who sat nonchalantly at her desk, watching the class. Alright boys and girls.. said Charlton, his Irish drawl thick and teasing. Asahria, you all right? You look a little drained... Aife turned her head to look at Charlton, wondering what he was up to. Asahria looked fine to her. Charlton twisted back around, his eyes falling smugly on her rucksack before he pulled a quill and his book from somewhere on his person.

Might be from lack of sleep... Caelen's voice made Aife jump, like she'd done something bad from looking at Charlton. She sighed, and twisted around so she could see the others, her eyes falling on Caelen's bent form. There were strange noises from this rabid dog last night... he said, shoulders shrugging. Her friend's gaze landed pointedly on Charlton before he looked away. Aife looked quizzically to and fro between her friends, wondering why it looked like they were squaring off.

Asahria's voice came dejected from the front of the class, her tone confused and fustrated. What are you two talking about? she asked. Aife turned to the girl slowly, her head nodding in agreement, before she returned to the two boys next to her. "Hmm... I'm with her..." she said, pointing to Asahria. "What is with you two?"

Professor Feck's voice caught Aife's attention, calling the distracted students attention to her. She sighed and, grabbing her bag, text book, and stationary supplies, made her way to the front to sit in one empty desk. She turned back to the two irritated looking boys, her brows raised pointedly for them to follow.
Charlton grinned broadly, his eyes dancing wickedly as Caelen responded to his underlying taunt. He supposed what he’d once felt for Caelen, which had been dangerously close to hatred – had mellowed over time, newer situations having taking precedence over something which he understood now, in his own way, probably couldn’t have been helped…too much. Never the less, it didn’t mean they had to stop with the irritating one another, on occasion, he found it quite amusing. Inclining his head slightly toward Caelen, he shrugged off the comment, still grinning.

He couldn’t escape the feeling that both of the girls were on edge, Aife having intensified her nervous hand wringing and Asahria doing something extremely similar. Raising his eyebrows, he twirled his quill thoughtfully – gaze flicking from face to face contemplatively. Neither of them had picked up on the slight banter that underlied his and Caelen’s exchange, both looking confused and worried – Aife jumping as Caelen spoke. Charlton shrugged innocently at their questioning and followed Aife in gathering his equipment with one hand. Turning to Caelen as he stood up, he moulded his face into an expression of recognition.

“You heard that too? Kept me up all night that did…bet it was the fleas, poor pup.”

He returned sympathetically, scratching his head obviously – flicking his fingers and imaginary fleas toward Caelen’s face as he left the desk. Moving toward the front as requested, Charlton plonked himself back down next to Aife – not really considering his choice of seat.
She couldn't quite decipher what it was that Caelen and Graffi were doing, whether it was playful talk or something else. Usually she wouldn't have though anything of it, but it didn't seem like either of the two to talk in such a manner. She sighed gent;ly turning her attention on Aife, nodding genially as she asked what was up with the boys. Now she was overly nervous, was she fretting had that been the intent of Graffi's question. She inhaled deeply and composed herself before she watched as other student's made there way to the front.

Offering a gently smile as Graffi sat down she tuned in as he spoke with Caelen. Something about them was making her really uncomfortable today, she was desperately wishing the class was over and she had been so excited for it to begin. Funny, how her mind had changed so quickly. What was this about a pup, like a pup could keep them up in their dorms. Whatever, she wasn't even going to bother asking. She turned her head noting the new arrival, a girl she didn't know. The class was fairly full today, last time the class hadn't been but a fourth this size.

Professor, might I ask, what today's subject is? she said pointedly, trying to draw Graffi's and Caelen's attention away from one other. As well as her mind from Graffi sitting next to Aife, she had no room to be jealous. He was just sitting, after all.
Manda stood in the front, waiting. When the first walked up to the front, she smiled at them, then walked over behind her desk and opened her book. She stared at the page, reading each sentence with care. She looked at her sign up list and half chuckled. She blinked and looked up at Charlton, who was now sitting in front with everyone else and smiled. "Glashtyn, you didn't sign up for class." she said, pointing that out. "You can sign up now, otherwise you don't belong here." She told him in a teasing manner and smiled at the rest of the class.

She closed her book then, and stood up and stood in front once more, folding her arms. She raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner when Asahria asked a question. "Oh, I was just about to talk about that." She said, nodding her head. She tugged on her sweater before speaking again. "Class, can you guys tell me what you guys think about the dark arts?"

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