Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gregory's Unctuous Unction

  • Ashwinder Eggs (frozen)
  • Moonstone
  • Sneezewort
  • Lovage
Spells and CharmsYou Will Need
  • Bluebell Flames
  • Aguamenti (Aguamenti Charm)
Lab Supplies You Will Need
  • Stirring Stick
  • Copper Cauldron
  • Knife
  • Mortor and Pestle
  • With the aid of the Aguamenti Charm , fill your Copper Cauldron half way full.
  • Let the water rest until is even and unmoving.
  • Once the water in your cauldron is still, cast bluebell flames beneath it in the burner, letting the temperature rise until it is at 36 degrees celsius.
  • While waiting for the temperature to level, you may crush your Moonstone in the mortor and pestle to a fine powder.
  • When the temperature is as requested, add the Frozen Ashwinder Egg . Do so carefully, letting the egg slip into the water until it floats and then settles to the bottom of the cauldron. Tiny bubbles should begin to come from beneath the egg and rise to the surface.
  • Once the egg is surrounded by little bubbles rushing to the surface, add your finely crushed Moonstone . The bubbles should subside and the liquid turn into a cloudy pink.
  • After adding the Moonstone , strip the leaves from the Sneezewort , crumple them up, and drop them into the potion.
  • Next lower the Lovage slowly into the potion.
  • Set your timer to two minutes, then after the time is up, begin to stir counter-clockwise swiftly.
  • After fifty six counter-clockwise turns, remove your stirring stick from the potion. It should now be complete.
Other Characteristics of the Potion :
  • Should be a purplish-pink in colour.
  • Should be cloudy, but not thick.
  • Has a tangy, citrus smell and flavour.
Difficulty in making the potion :
  • Complications in getting the ingredients: 2.5/5
  • Perplexity of the potion (how complicated it is to make the potion): 1.5/5
  • Usefulness of the potion: (for unpopular people who care too much) 4/5 (for everyone else) 2/5

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