Sunday, January 3, 2010

Liesel Delos Kemeny

Liesel Delos Kemeny
Birthdate :: 16 April, 1984
Playby :: Rachel Weisz
Heritage and Blood :: English and Pureblood
Family ::
Father : Ronan Monahan Kemeny

Mother : Toby Ellison Abbot

Brother : Jon Ronan Kemeny

Sister : Deidre Eadoin Kemeny - deceased
Nephew : Rue Trezeguet Ribbery
Physical Qualities
Liesel is about five and a half feet tall, slender and pale, though not thin like a wraith. Her hair is dark brown and very wavy, and her eyes are an olive green. In appearance, she is very different from her brother, as her features are more refined and small. She wears her hair about shoulder level and likes to wear it up in a twist or neatly styled loose.
Uusal Attire
Like noted before, Liesel is very different from her brother, and her wardrobe reflects that. She usually prefers to dress in practical, business-like attire and when at work or in the city, her version of casual is a pair of dark jeans, boots and a cashmere sweater. However, during holiday in the country, you can often find her in anything from worn jeans and a fisherman's sweater to cutoffs and flip flops.
Liesel is not very laid back, and doesn't joke around all that much unless she is with close friends - even less so when she is with her brother, whom she thinks takes everything far too lightly. She can be stern, and when there's a job to do, she is very seriously attentive to it until it is finished. Many of her students find her difficult and stern, though they usually end up respecting her and thinking that though she is difficult, she also one of their favourite teachers. However, she is not above a good laugh and can be very understanding and caring, and this is where her students see that she is not a mean old hag. She is very trustworthy, and many come to her to get things off their chest.

Liesel loves studying and teaching, and her favourite subjects have always been herbalism and potions. She has a special talent for developing potions and for concocting especially difficult ones as well. In her spare time she likes to eat out, spend time with her British Mastiff, Ewen, and hang out with friends. She likes the outdoors, but nearly anywhere near the level that Jon does, for she'd prefer to have a toilet and shower handy rather than roughing it out in the desert somewhere.

Liesel is rather independant, though she doesn't like to stray too far from home. She has a bit of a one track mind and is rather comfortable doing the same thing for a little while, as long as it isn't cookie cutter every day.

Liesel dates when she can, but thanks to past issues with men, it's tough for her to get too close to them romantically. She was once in a relationship with Rawdon, a fellow professor's aid at Hogwarts. Things went sour, though, and that was when Liesel to a job teaching potions at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Not long after, Rawdy appeared on the scene as a Care of Magical Creatures professor, and as quickly as things seemed to be going well, they soured again. Since then, Liesel hasn't really had a serious relationship.

In general, Liesel prefers men who are somewhat on the tough side, though nice and thoughtful as well. However, she doesn't like love sick puppies and can't stand men that can't just let her be or seem to think that she needs taking care of. She doesn't have much of a preference in hair colour or eye colour, but finds it easier to think of a man as equal if he's not afraid to get down and dirty, isn't too high and mighty, and doesn't have the maturity of a teenager. Liesel doesn't play games, and is rather upfront about things, and doesn't like a guy who is going to beat around the bush.
School Life
Liesel was sorted into Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she excelled in potions, herbalism, charms, and defense against the dark arts. She was in the school choir, a Ravenclaw prefect, and often helped out in the library. A very sensible but amiable student, she was very well liked by her classmates and professors. Her best friend was Constance Barrington, and they would often spend holidays at one or the other's home.

Liesel received Outstanding marks on most of her O.W.L.S. save for Divination and Transfiguration on which she received an Exceeds Expectations, as well as History of Magic in which she made an Acceptable. On her N.E.W.T.S., she received Outstanding marks on every subjects except History of Magic, which came out to be an Exceeds Expectations. She was never good at just memorizing things, and would rather work with something to learn it. However, you can't really do that with history, which resulted in a lower grade than the others.
While Liesel has a decent singing voice, and likes to care for her pet Mastiff, thanks to her work schedule she is not one for hobbies. She does enjoy watching Quidditch, though she doesn't follow it like her brother and father do. One might say that developing potions is her hobby, though she now does that anyway for St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries in the research department.

Liesel also likes to travel, though not for very long periods of time, and enjoys an wide variety of music. She is fluent in French, German and Italian, as well as BSL. One of her favourite places to live is London, where she has a number of Muggle friends. Unlike her parents, though rather like Jon, she is very good at blending in with Muggle society, and at times, even prefers it.
Languages ::
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
    Sign Language
  • British (BSL)
Likes ::
  • Men
  • Traveling
  • Challenges
  • Outdoors
  • Books
  • Learning
  • Music
  • Friends
  • Independance
  • Potions
  • Dogs
  • Shopping
Dislikes ::
  • People thinking they need to take care of her.
  • Being Wrong
  • Music ... some.
  • Being Unprepared
  • Rude People
  • People who don't take things seriously.
  • Yogurt

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