Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jon Kemeny

Jon Tyler Kemeny
Birthdate :: 28 November, 1979
Playby :: Hugh Jackman
Heritage and Blood :: English and Pureblood
Family ::
Father : Ronan Monahan Kemeny
Mother : Toby Ellison Abbot
Sister : Liesel Delos Kemeny
Sister : Deidre Eadoin Kemeny - deceased
Nephew : Rue Trezeguet Ribbery
Physical Qualities
Jon is tall and firmly built. He has dark brown hair and green eyes; his skin is tanned from years of being outdoors. He is a large man, being a couple of inches over six feet, with a wide chest and arms and long legs. His shoulders and back are broad, and his body is well muscled. Dark hair covers much of his body, though he at least attempts to keep it neat and under control. Often he has at least a five o'clock shadow, and sometimes lets his facial hair grow to a light beard before shaving.
Uusal Attire
Jon is very different from his sister when it comes to clothes. He prefers casual wear, such as canvas or cotton shirts, denim or khaki trousers, and tennis shoes or boots. If he has to dress up, he will, though it isn't rare for him to clean up for an opportunity to impress something, as in a date or a meeting with a professional colleague. On such times he might don a nice pair of slacks, sports coat, and maybe, if you're lucky, a collared shirt and tie ^.^
Jon is a laid back individual, and rarely takes anything seriously unless it is intensely serious. He likes to laugh, and doesn't care for stressful situations. Very friendly and quick to make friends, Jon is easily likable and and gets along with nearly everyone. He's a joker, and while he knows there's a time and place for everything, he likes to make fun and play around. Though he is not too shy of middle age, he is quite boyish, and tends to go too far with Liesel and other people who take things too seriously.

Jon prefers the outdoors to most anything else, and often leaves for a hiking expedition or sea voyage, or some other crazy athletic extreme without telling anything. Much to the dismay of his family, he is a very independent person, and rarely thinks of how his decisions might affect others. He is hard to keep tabs on, and difficult to follow. Talk to him one day, and he may want to climb Everest. Talk to him the next, and he's prepping for a run across the Sahara.

Jon has had multiple relationships with women in his life, both long term and short term. However, hardly any have lasted more than a year, and some would say that he has a problem with commitment. He prefers women with dark hair, a curvy, sturdy figure, and hardier personas than the delicate flowers he grew up around. Easy pursuits hold little interest for him, and his longest of relationships were ones in which he had to work hard to gain them. He likes a challenge, and that can be said for nearly every area of his life.
School Life
Jon was sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he excelled in transfiguration, charms, and ancient runes. He played keeper on the quidditch team from year three, and to his family's greatest dismay, he took great pleasure in his natural talent with apparition, which he used at nearly ever moment he could till he moved out.

Jon made plenty of friends at school, and was a favourite with the ladies and professors. He received excellent marks on both his OWLS and NEWTS, though he didn't do so well in divination or arithmancy. Both might have been due to either his understandings of the subjects, or most likely his level of distraction.

Jon is by far not a stupid person, and through studying could do well in nearly every subject, if not for his attention span. While successful with his school work, Jon could not stand sitting for too long, so was used to disturbing class. If not for his relationships with his professors, he would have suffered through twice as many detentions as he normally did.
Jon is an intensely active person. He likes to wake up early and fall into bed after a full day. Jon's never been one for parties and clubs, or even city life. He prefers the outdoors, and much easier living. Sports are a great favourite of his, both Wizarding sports such as quidditch, which he played in school, and Muggle sports such as football and rugby.

Though a very active person, one of the sole relaxing enjoyments Jon has is that of books. Repairing, reading, collecting- he does it all. This can be applied to his yearning for challenging accomplishments, in that he enjoys repairing, and restoring aged and rare texts, along with searching for impossible finds.

As mentioned before, Jon enjoys traveling expeditions. He has traveled all over the world, making great use of apparition and his family's wealth. Favouring rugged and foreign locations, he loves mountainous and desert regions, especially countries such as China, Africa, and Russia. Extreme conditions attract him, and he enjoys the diverse cultures that he comes across.

One thing that isn't entirely characteristic of Jon is music. He loves rock, heavy metal, and some variations of techo. Enjoying fast beats and active tunes, he often likes to listen to music through Muggle headphones while he is out doing something like running, climbing, etc. He isn't entirely fond of concerts, though he doesn't hate them, and while he likes loud, heavy music, he does not like harsh music.

Jon is also a great proficient in many languages. This began before his schooling at Hogwarts. His mother knew a few basic languages, including French and German, and through her homeschooling of both Jon and Liesel, taught both to be nearly fluent in each. He continued his multilingual interests in school when he met and befriended multicultural witches and wizards. He insisted in learning and conversing in their family's native languages as a means of learning, which aided him when he began to travel the world. Since he was rarely at home in England, and spent an estimate of fifteen years traveling the world, he has picked up an array of languages and has become fluent in quiet a few. He is most talented in South African and Chinese languages, both primary and secondary sorts.
Languages ::
  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • German
  • Mandarin
  • Shanghainese
  • Cantonese
  • Arabic
  • Swahili
  • Chichewa
  • Zulu
  • Afrikaans
  • Ancient Runes
    Sign Language
  • Adamorobe (ADS)
  • Ethiopian
  • French
  • Russian
  • Buru
  • South African (SASL)
  • British (BSL)
  • Chinese (ZGS)

    Working Knowledge
  • Wu
  • Jin
  • Xiang
  • Somali
  • Amharic
  • Tigrinya
  • Tshiluba
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Swazi
  • Malagasy
  • Ukranian
  • Polish
  • Dutch
    Sign Language
  • Malagasy
  • Zimbabwe
  • Uganda
  • Tunisian
  • Nigerian
  • Malaysian
  • Irish (ISL)
Likes ::
  • Girls
  • Traveling
  • Challenges
  • Sports
  • Outdoors
  • Books
  • Learning
  • Girls
  • Fooling Around
  • Apparating
  • New People
  • Music
  • Transfiguration
  • Charms
  • His Wand
  • Friends
  • Freedom
  • Girls...
Dislikes ::

  • Being Tied Down
  • Being Still
  • Being Quiet
  • Easy Pursuits
  • Being Wrong
  • Seriousness
  • Music ... some.
  • Being Unprepared
  • Rude People

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