Sunday, January 3, 2010

Set the Fire to the Third Bar

15 February, 2008 (5:33am) - 2 March, 2008 (3:52am)
This thread takes place during the Valentine's Day dance at school. There's a little cupid monster who is either making people hate each other or can make someone fall in love, and that's what he does here.
Aife pulled the piles of discarded clothes away from her bead, attempting to get a good reach at Dorian, who was hugging the wall below the frame, his paws clamped onto one of her heels. Normally, she would have left him there to guard the shoe- it wasn't as if he gnawed at his treasures. But not tonight, for she couldn't very well show up at the dance in a pair of flip flops. The way cleared, and she lunged under the bed, and grabbed the heel as Dorian shot off toward the open door. She pulled her head out just as his silvery tail disappeared beyond the frame.

"That damn cat..." she muttered as she dusted off the shoes. Making a mental note to clean beneath her bed, Aife pulled herself onto her feet and made her way to her wardrobe. She picked over the piles, the books, and the brooms that lay across the messy floor. Her mental check list added a group cleaning session to her growing list.

A black canvas bag peeped out of her closet, it's length ran over the drawers and below the open doors. She pulled it out and, laying it carefully across her bed, untied the closure at it's front. Earlier that week, her mother's owl, Cilia, had flown in through her open window- much to Dorian's dismay- and dropped a large package on her bed. It contained her outfit for the dance, and was just in time. She'd been immensely surprised when her new-found friend, Caelen, invited her, and had rushed Basil off to her mother, proclaiming the need for a gown and heels. She now opened the covering with more care- the ties were wrinkled from being unfastened and refastened throughout the week, to show the gown to her girlfriends. She lay the garment flush across her bed and crossed to the mirror hanging inside her wardrobe.

Her reflection appeared before her, fresh from a shower, and her hair hung in damp ringlets. Aife muttered a few spells, in the order and inflections that the Potion's professor had suggested early that day, which would supposedly apply a soft flush of makeup, and a simple up do. Her hair moved silently into place, and, sure enough, soft colours surfaced in all the right places across her features. I'll have to remember those on busy mornings... she thought.

A pair of pearl earrings lay on her desk, atop her school books. Aife lifted them, careful not to drop the miniature stubs and pinned them to her lobes. Her dress lay undisturbed, and she donned it carefully, cautious not to tear the dress, or snag it's zipper. The golden heels were the hardest part, and she perched on the edge of her bed to fasten the thin straps around her ankles. They were higher than she was used to, but the straps and wide soles helped her balance, along with an anti-slipping spell her mother had administered before she'd sent them.

Aife moved to her mirror again, and examined her reflection. The simple design of the gown complemented her slight figure, and the colouring was a few shades darker than her ivory skin. She figured that she made up enough for colour with her flame coloured hair, while the simple pearl studs did nothing to take away from the modest beauty of her gown. She nodded with content at her likeness, who seemed to stand much more confident than she felt.

Finally, deciding that she was as read as she'd ever be, Aife grabbed her gold beaded clutch and walked out the door. Taking her time on the stairs, she lifted the hem of her skirt so as not to step on it. She was relieved when she made it to the last step unscathed, and walked quickly through the common room and out into the hall.

Students bustled about, making their way to the dining hall where the dance was being held. They all looked very smart in their attire, and many of the boys had cleaned up for the occasion, though some sported some rather untraditional suits. Aife made her way down the stair case, hugging the wall for support, her hem gathered in her free hand. She was to meet Caelen in the entrance hall, and when she landed at the foot of the grand staircase, she moved quickly out of the way of the descending students.

Safe behind the banister, she used her location to search for her friend. She stood on her toes, the soles of her heels bending with her, to scan the crowd. Many of her aquaintences occupied the throng flowing into the hall, and she waved to the few who noticed her in her removed location. The crowd of students proceeding down the stairs was more sparse now, than when she'd left it. She glanced at the boys' faces, skipping the shorter ones, or the ones with darker hair. Don't worry... she told herself. There is still more than enough time for him to come...
Caelen paced the space of his bedroom quickly as he tried to calm his nerves. His roommates were long gone, almost 30 minutes ago, they got very annoyed at his pacing and left to meet their dates and still here he was. Instead of rushing down to the entrance hall like all the others he stood walking back and forth and cursing at himself. It was time for the Valentines day dance, actual time for it, he was sure everyone had arrived into the dining hall by now and here he was still pacing and waisting time.

He couldn't get a grip on himself and though he was dressed and groomed and ready to leave he couldn't step outside the bedroom. He was sure his date was there by now and that unnerved him more, it was his first time in a long time, since he's been turned actually, going out with a human girl. Well it was just a dance of course, he wasn't going to be alone with her so he thought he'd be able to handle it but he was deadly wrong. Ever since he was turned he tried to avoid events such as this and now he managed to get himself a date to a dance, the most social event of the school and many other humans were going to attend.

Caelen sighed muttering himself lowly as he continued walking back and forth, he tried to remember what exactly he was thinking when he asked her out. Nothing came to him and he cursed at himself again. He wanted to feel normal again, human again, so he wanted to attend the Valentines day dance and since she was still available he asked her. Now he was regretting the fact as he was afraid he was going to ruin the dance for her, he could control himself around the scent of human blood to a degree and to be around so many students at once was going to be a nightmare.

He stopped in front of the door in his room one more time and reached for the doorknob and stopped. With another sigh he ran his hand through his hair quickly and looked towards the ceiling as if searching for an answer. He really couldn't remember when the last time he was so nervous, though most of it came from him being afraid that he'll become overwhelmed and end up ruining the dance for Aife. It was that thought that made him unable to leave his room. He took a deep breath and walked towards the mirror to look at his appearance, the creme tux he was wearing made his pale complexion not look so sickly and he was glad, he wanted to avoid anything that could make it easy for someone to pinpoint what he was. Though the trouble again was his eyes, he actually considered finding a spell to temporarily glamour his eyes into a different color but he remembered Aife already saw them as a deep dark brown so he left it be.

He told himself that everything would be fine and and he'd try to not breathe without being noticed as much as he could, he repeated the words in his head like a mantra and with another deep sigh he walked forward quickly and exited the room before he could change his mind. Caelen hurried down the stairs and exited the common room quickly to meet her at the entrance hall. He looked at the passing students and smiled happily as he was feeling a little more comfortable, he thought maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all and wide smile became plastered on his face.

He descended the grand staircase quickly, looking down at the students walking by to search for her when he caught her scent. He had imprinted it into his memory as it was much easier to locate someone that way, she saw standing behind the banister tiptoeing too look for him and he grinned deciding to surprise her. Caelen took a breath to calm himself and with his vampire speed ran down the stairs to appear by her side, as he was nothing more than a blur or strange burst of wind to the humans around them. He stood some steps behind her looking her over before speaking.

"You look stunning" He said in a calm voice that showed nothing of his previous nervousness and he was right. The dress complimented her perfectly as it flowed long down her body and the color matched her tone beautifully. He couldn't help looking at her as she turned to face him and he took in the details of her appearance, her flaming red hair made her beauty stand out even more and the light pink color of her face seemed to draw his eyes and he was having difficulty tearing his gaze from her. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting long..." He started and stopped suddenly as he couldn't really think of an excuse to give her. "Shall we?" Caelen spoke with a grin as he offered his arm to her and nodded towards the dining room.
Aife scanned the thinning crowd, searching for her date among the resplendent throng. Presently unnoticed, she pulled herself onto a nearby bench to get a better look. She still couldn't find him. There was still a flush of students descending the staircase, though, so she hopped down and resigned herself to waiting, and casting her glance idly through the stream of students. A breeze wafted through the hall, causing the ringlets that drifted from the spell's confines to stir. Chills ran down her spine, and she wrapped her arms around her. Why didn't I think to bring a shawl... she thought.

You look stunning. Aife froze, the voice startled her for a moment, until she descried the soft, articulate timbre of her friend. She turned, laughing at her surprise. As soon as she beheld his frame, dressed smartly in a suit of creme, her breath caught in her throat. The colour suited him, complementing his flawless skin. Words flashed across her mind as she attempted to form her complement. Brilliant... Heavenly... Devastating... She shook her head, clearing the thoughts away, and looked up into his face. "Caelen... you look..." She paused, deciding on a fitting description. "Sensational." She grinned, pleased with her choice. Her gaze locked on his face, noting his dark, chocolate eyes and the glorious way in which they stood out from his milky complexion.

Her head shook in slow response to his apologies. "It is quite all right, I was able to see everyone's outfits before they entered the hall", she said, and tried to push aside the relief she felt in his presence. She didn't really think that he wouldn't show- it was only nervousness readily felt in the shadow of the coming evening. Her keen regard drifted downward as he offered his arm to her. "Shall we?" he inquired. She felt her lips curve in a smile as she hooked her arm through his and lay her slender hand on his sleeve. "Of course", she said, her head tilting as she looked up at him.

He started off, leading her through the high, arched doors to the dance hall. It was thoroughly decorated- right down to the glittery red hearts and fizzing sparklers that stood out in the floral garlands that draped the walls. Some students occupied the tables, and even fewer the dance floor, but most made their way around the hall, exclaiming excitedly over their friends outfits. Girls whispered in each other's ears, boys gave their friends knowing looks, their eyebrows arching dramatically, and the teachers moved about, watching for any type of unwanted displays.

Aife's eyes returned to Caelen, whom she was sure stood out prominently amongst the black and red clad gentlemen. "Would you like to sit?" she asked. "Or not..." She wasn't sure what his preference would be- she was still getting to know him, and wasn't positive as to how he performed in crowds. "I don't care what we do, really..." she ventured. "Though I feel a little silly just standing here." Her gaze roamed the hall, looking for Lunette and Rue. She'd been so excited when Lune dished the previous night about her encounter with Rue, and they'd hardly fallen asleep by dawn, causing them to sleep through their day. Positive that she'd see them before the night was over, she returned her attention to her handsome date and waited for a response.
It was like a smorgusborg! The Cupidon was in a mischevious heaven, to be sure! It wasted no time in finding various victims, and all of them were dressed up and ready for some awkwardness. What was more awkward than a dance? Plenty of singles and too many disgusting little couples! Soon the Cupidon found a little redhead and her date, and everything seemed to spell out a-w-k-w-a-r-d. Quickly the Cupidon flew down and bit the boy on the shoulder blade through his clothes, allowing the venom of L O V E to course through his veins. Who said the Cupidon wasn't nice?

Okay, so its current niceness could have had something to do with the variety of sweets that were laid out in the dance hall, but the Cupdion would never admit to that.
Caelen managed to keep his worries to a minimum as the seconds went by. He's actually managed to stop counting the seconds away as he slowly tried to even his breathing. His earlier plan of not breathing was seemed doom to fail as he couldn't really explain to her why he wasn't breathing, he wanted to keep that little fact from her for as long as he possibly could. There was no need to scare her he thought, he didn't want to ruin what might possibly be a friendship by revealing to her that he was a monster. Caelen shook the thoughts out of his head as he decided to just focus on remembering to breathe and being normal.

She smiled and hooked her arm through his affectionately and rested her hand on his sleeve. He tried to not panic at their closeness and gave her a charming smile when she looked up at him and started walking forward. "I feel honored to be escorting the Belle of the ball" Caelen spoke with a smile and the sentence reminded him of a muggle story one of his muggle born friends told him, Beauty and the Beast he believed it was called and the beauty's name was Belle. Caelen had his silent laugh at the thought when they entered the dance hall and he looked around quickly. The large hall was filled with students already, many of them bustling around in groups whispering to each other, the dance floor was almost empty as everyone stood against the walls or occupied the tables.

Aife turned to look at him and spoke and Caelen turned his attention towards her. He looked around the room again and let out a breath. He was doing well so far, the only thing that was being a bother was the smell of everyone's perfume or cologne mixed together, it irritated him a bit but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He was about to answer her when the small fluttering of wings distracted him, Caelen looked around quickly for the source not seeing anything but felt a hard bite at his shoulder. He let out a small hissing sound from the pain and turned his head slightly to look at his shoulder. There was nothing there, not even the teeth marks but he knew what he felt. He sighed as the fluttering went away and a look of confusion crossed his face, he turned to look at Aife and felt a strange warmth flow through his body.

His eyes became glued to her face as he felt like he was seeing her again for the first time, he couldn't look away from her as he took in the details of her face from the magnificent color of her eyes to the pink color of her lips. He continued looking at her as all noises and scents of the room disappeared and there was only him and her and the sweet smell of what he assumed to be either her blood or perfume, he couldn't differentiate, and the feel of her arm linked around his. He took a breath to clear his mind of his new found fascination with her before answering.

"I... yes we can sit" Caelen spoke stammering over his words for what was the first time in... he couldn't even remember but he was sure it was before he even became a teenager. "Anything you want" Caelen said once he calmed himself and looked at her smiling brightly, and he meant it. He had the strongest urge to do whatever it took to make her happy and please her, now more than ever he was determined to make the night perfect for her. He thought he was right along his way with the plan since everyone else in the room was unnoticeable by him and the only person he cared about was his Aife.
Aife's eyes widened as her date turned swiftly, catching her off guard. "Are you all right?" she asked him, her arm pressing firmly to his sleeve. The hiss that emerged from his lips made her pause, and she waited for him to turn toward her. When he did so, she studied his face; the crumpled expression that occupied it disappeared quickly and was replaced with his normally smooth demeanor. She grinned up at him, her eyes scanning his. He looked down at her, his head bent slightly, his eyes unwavering.

After a few moments of the rigid attention, Aife was about to repeat her question when he replied. I... yes, we can sit, he said. His speech alarmed her... she wasn't sure if, in the short time she'd known him, she'd ever heard him stumble over his words. She groaned at his next statement. "I am absolutely horrible with decisions", she told him, enunciating the adjective. "So I hope you don't mind making them." She smiled at him as they made their way through the throng to an empty table. It was draped with a white table cloth, and a bouquet and candles decorated it's middle.

Caelen pulled out her chair as they approached, and Aife sat, smoothing her skirt over her knees. She looked around the hall. "Everyone looks so nice..." she noted as she scanned the room. "I think you look the best, though", she complimented. She scanned his figure, noting the quality of his robes' material, and the way it was cut. His hair was neat, and he looked rather dashing sitting in the dining hall chairs, like something out of a Muggle film.

"I'm glad you invited me, Caelen", she said. "I was beginning to think I wouldn't have a date." She looked down at her hands, fiddling with the rings she wore. "It wouldn't have been much fun tagging along after Lunette and Rue, that's for sure." She grinned up at him and leaned her arms on the cloth-draped table. Her eyes scanned the hall again, noting the excited couples as they roamed the area. Far away, she noticed her friends, Rue's head bent closer to Lune so she could hear him. Her head turned to Caelen again, her mouth stretching into a grin. "I think it's better with a date, anyhow."
Caelen saw the quick look of confusion that crossed her face in response to his words and he smiled slightly. The expression on her face was attractive and he had to tear his gaze away, he was very certain that he was staring at her and though he couldn't help it he didn't want to make her nervous though he was sure that expression would look nice on her too. She groaned after he spoke again and he wanted to take the words back, he didn't want to upset her as he didn't think he would be able to live with himself if he ever did anything to make her sad and angry and his words seemed to have annoyed her. She spoke and confirmed his worries and he felt foolish for his previous words, he was almost at the point of apologizing when she spoke with a smile that calmed him.

"I don't mind at all" He answered her with a wide smile, the words were pure and sincere as they flowed from his lips. At this moment in time he would do whatever she asked and making a few decisions wasn't a hard task and he quickly agreed. He became very aware from her firm touch on his arm from when he alarmed her with his small sound of pain as they walked to an empty table, joy washed over him as he became happy that she actually cared for him even though they didn't know each other to well. They reached the beautifully decorated table and he gently unlinked their arms to pull out her chair for her. She sat gracefully and his dark eyes followed her movements and pushed the chair in slightly, just as he was taught to do.

He moved to take his own seat besides her and watched her subtle movements as she turned to observed the people in the hall. She made a small comment about her everyone was nicely dress but the words meant nothing to him as the only person that he thought looked nice was her. "No one looks half as gorgeous as you Aife" He spoke looking at her seriously and smiling. He couldn't explain what was happening to him, she was the only thing in his mind and he couldn't tear his gaze from her. Not to mention he was getting a strange feeling that he's never felt before, not in his 17 years as a human or his 10 years as a vampire. He couldn't point out what it was but it made everything else so insignificant, not even the smell of blood was bothering him the only smell he took in was her intoxicating one.

Aife spoke to him again and his heart leaped for joy, if that was possible for a vampire, now he was so happy that he invited her and even more happy she said yes. She looked down and played with her fingers for a moment and Caelen took time to breathe and choose his next words. He was worried about one thing, and that was messing up this night for her, especially when he had such strong feelings for her. She leaned her arms on the table as she grinned at him after her words and Caelen had the sudden urge to touch her hand. Unable to stop himself, he did just that, reaching out and taking one of her hands gently in his, holding on to mostly her fingertips in case she rejected his touch. "I'm glad you said yes" He spoke with a smile as he watched her "I was lucky that you were still available..." he trailed off. What was wrong with him? why did he feel so weird?. He looked at her getting lost in her eyes as he put a name to the feeling.

Love, he was sure of it. But of course he's never been in love so he didn't know what it felt like but he was sure it was something like this. Though he didn't know her well, he's heard it takes months or years to fall in love but he couldn't explain it any other way. Plus muggles had the idea of love at first sight, maybe this was what this was for him, whatever the reason he knew that she was the one for him.
Aife's heart lunged as Caelen took hold gently of her hands, wrapping her tiny fingers deftly in his. The all too familiar butterflies crowded her stomach, and her cheeks felt hot as they flushed. "Of course I was available, Caelen", she said quietly. His eyes gazed into her own, something that normally would have made her uncomfortable. But she couldn't resist studying them, and, to her surprise she noted that they were considerably lighter than when she'd seen them last. They'd resembled empty, frozen depths before, and they were now much warmer.

Aife gripped his hands with her own. She drew her gaze reluctantly from his, and looked around the room. "I wonder if they're going to serve dinner soon, or if they expect us to dance", she told him. The thought of dancing caused her stomach to turn. It wasn't so much that she was a bad dancer- far from it, actually. It was just that she'd never actually danced with a partner who'd chosen her. She'd taken lessons at home, learning various steps from a tutor, but that wasn't the same thing.

Aife turned back to Caelen, his eyes still studying her, and felt her lips recall their smile. "Do you dance?" she inquired, suddenly aware that most guys balked at the idea. "I wasn't sure if you did. I don't mind it. But if you don't want to, then we don't have to", she said, searching his expression for hints of what he thought. Her eyes strayed to the dance floor where a small scattering of students stood. Some were doing what you would actually call dancing, while others just sort of hopped around.

Aife's stomach rumbled noisily, and she realized she was a tad hungry. She looked around, noting the tables with occupants who'd decided to begin the dinner portion of the night. "We could always eat something first..." she suggested, pointing to the menus that sat beneath the gold plates. "Have you eaten anything today?" she asked him. Realizing too late that she was rambling, she shut her mouth.

The nervous butterflies that filled her empty stomach were starting to get to her. She looked up at Caelen, her eyes returning to his, and giggled. "Sorry", she said, as she realized what she'd just done. She never giggled. Oh dear... she thought. I sound like an airhead... She breathed, the sigh turning slowly into a chuckle. "I sound like a dipstick", she told him.
Caelen found himself smiling widely as her face turned a pinkish color when he touched her hand. It made him happier than he thought was possible that he could get such a reaction from her and he became even happier when she didn't pull away but answered him. He was actually nervous and ready to pull back at any moment, as a result of him being a vampire his hands were always quite cold and he was afraid she'd take notice or reject it but she didn't and for that he was glad. She stared at him as he stared back and for the first time since he'd been with anyone he didn't feel self conscious over his eyes, he didn't try to turn away but just let her look. Maybe he was hoping that she'd find something out and be ok with it, that was what he wanted when he thought about it that maybe she liked his eyes and he didn't worry about them.

She gripped his hand slightly and broke his gaze and Caelen finally let his eyes fall to something other than her face. Now though his attention was turned to his hand that was holding her's. Studying the color of them, his actually didn't look as pale as he thought and he sighed happily. He gathered the courage to move his hand upwards to hold more than just her fingertips when she started speaking to him, his attention turned towards him with the question. Though it seemed more like she was asking herself so he didn't answer but let her think, though his gaze surveyed the dance floor quickly. "Do you dance?" She asked him and Caelen smiled. Yes he danced, he was actually forced to learn to dance thanks to his family so he would be more happy to dance with her if she wanted to. "I'm not an expert but I dance... I guess" He answered her with humor and his voice and he was ready to stand and lead her to the dance floor when she spoke again.

Caelen felt as if a weight has just been dropped on him when she asked him if he ate. The usual answer would have of course been yes, that's what he told everyone that asked him even though it was lie but he didn't want to lie to her. He didn't feel comfortable doing so, not when he was liking her so much more than he's ever liked anyone. Part of him felt if he answered her with a lie he would be betraying her and he couldn't bring himself to do that so he decided he would tell her the truth. Caelen sighed closing his eyes for only a second before opening them again as he thought of the best way to tell her, to his surprise he wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be. He never told any human of what he was, especially not those he's known for 2 days but there was something about her and he felt more than comfortable with her knowing.

"You don't sound like a... dipstick" He told her smiling widely as he pulled a little closer to her. He thought her giggle was very cute and it brought a smile to his face and made any worries he had vanished. Surely someone so amazing wouldn't judge him on what he was, and that's what made him want to tell her. But there was the chance that she would, and she'd leave and Caelen would have ruined her night like he was afraid of doing but he didn't let those thoughts linger on as he watched her. He took a deep breath and looked around the room quickly for any eavesdroppers before locking his eyes with her's again to speak.

"Actually I don't eat food" Caelen said and turned his eyes towards the table as he mentally slapped himself for the sentence. That is not how he wanted to start but he couldn't think of anything better. "I mean..." He began and took a deep breath looking for the words that would make him stop looking like an idiot. "I don't need to eat food" He said again glancing at her quickly before looking down at the table again. He was nervous now, about choosing the lightest words so that he would not scare her. He would hate it if he made her afraid of him and he knew he wasn't able to take it back. Though he did have the gift of compulsion as a package deal with being a vampire, but he couldn't bring himself to mess with her mind. Not the girl that he was so in love with, he would hate himself forever. He risked a glance at her quickly again and concentrated on not stumbling over his words. "I'm a vampire" He spoke suddenly deciding to just get it over with, the longer he prolonged it the more nervous he would become so why not just tell her.

"But I'm not... dangerous" He said and slapped himself mentally again, he didn't know how to stop the words from flowing out it was as if he couldn't control himself. "I..." Caelen paused finally bringing himself to meet her eyes. "uh..." he spoke with a deep breath and stopped again, first he couldn't stop speaking and now he couldn't speak and he was beginning to feel annoyed. Of course he would worry about anyone's reaction when he told them what he was but waiting for her to react was a million times worse than anything he ever felt in life. "I wouldn't hurt you" He added and sighed deeply not knowing what else he could possibly say.
Aife smiled as Caelen negated her comment. Yes, she was a dipstick, but she didn't mind that he didn't agree. She just didn't want him to think she was a complete dolt. Because she wasn't, not by a long shot. She watched him as he sat, considering her question. It wasn't really a hard question- wouldn't he remember if he'd eaten dinner that day? Or even lunch? Her head cocked, her features confused, as she realized he was really considering it. She didn't understand- what was there to consider?

Aife almost laughed at his next words, if it wasn't for the confusion occupying her mind. "You don't eat food..." she said slowly, making sure she heard him correctly. His next line made her brows gather, she really didn't understand what he was about. "Caelen. What do you mean, you don't need to eat?" she asked. His gaze shifted quickly to hers, his expression in conflict.

I am a vampire.

Aife froze as the meaning of his words sunk in. She frowned, trying to understand them, to comprehend what he was trying to tell her. Her gaze drifted, she stared off into space, going over his words in her mind. The activity and murmers that surrounded them faded. If he was a vampire... that meant... She thought of the qualities she was familiar with, the gaol that was the life of the eternal beings. What that would mean to someone like Caelen... Vampire... The word resounded in her head. Caelen's voice drifted closer, becoming clearer than the low rumble that was the frantic chatter of the dance hall.

But I'm not... He paused. Dangerous... The word came quickly, pleading. Her gaze returned to his, locking onto the intense orbs that occupied his visage. He stumbled over his words, his voice searching, yearning. I wouldn't hurt you.

Aife stared at him in disbelief as she tried desperately to order her thoughts. He was a vampire... Caelen was a vampire... Her date was a vampire... The words circled slowly thought her head. His sigh came softly, broken. The gaze that held his ambled, landing on the clasp of their bodies. She understood now why his slender hand was so cold. At first, she'd thought it was natural, hers were always freezing. Her fingers moved gently, her wrist withdrawing, running through his fingers. He made a move, like he would take his arm away, but she held fast, settling her hand in his. Her fingers rubbed slowly at his palm, feeling the icy flesh, noticing for the first time how hard it was, how solid. Her mind raced, trying to figure the situation in her head. Surely there were vampires at school, of course. Even werewolves, or different blood lines, other than pure, half, and Muggle. The only difference was that he would live forever. And he could take life. But she was sure that, had he wished to have hers, he could easily have taken it by now.

The thought made her look up, into his eyes. They searched his, for any sign of what he might be thinking. He didn't look dangerous. Although she knew better. But as she sat there, she realized something. He wanted her to trust him. To believe in him. To be able to look past his fate, and she saw that despite his power, and despite his weakness, he was there. Despite the fact that it was probably hard for him to even be next to her. Her lips stretched slowly into a timid smile, and she squeezed his palm.

"I think..." she began, trying words out in her mind. "That it is all right." She looked up at him, unsure of how he might react. "I mean, you aren't the only vampire here, right?" she asked. "I don't know of any others... but still." Her body leaned toward his slightly, then paused. She wasn't sure what made things harder for him, or if it was even hard at all, actually. "What is it like for you to be near to me?" she asked. "To any human, for that matter..."
Caelen looked at her as she stared back with a strange look on her face. He realized she didn't quite believe what she was hearing, and of course he didn't blame her, and the first thing that crossed her mind he assumed was fear. He expected such a reaction from her despite what he felt for her, shock, disbelief and fear usually followed his confession to the ones he trusted. Which was then followed by hatred, betrayal and on his part regret.

People didn't react as well as the muggles seemed to make it look like. He supposed it was because muggles liked to think of vampires as romantic broken creatures. Well part of it was true, he was broken but there was nothing romantic about being a vampire, well not in his opinion. He was a dangerous creature, a monster that if not kept isolated might lose control and attack anyone in sight. He didn't like the fact that if someone bled in front of him he would lose all control and inhibitions and act purely on instinct. That did not seem romantic to him, not in the least and part of him wished that muggles would show vampires as something to be feared and not longed for.

He wished he could read her thoughts, to get an idea of what exactly was going through her mind as she looked at him. This was the worst thing Caelen has ever experienced in his life, waiting for the girl that he cared so much for, though he hardly knew her, to response to his deepest darkest secret. She looked down suddenly at their clasped hand and moved her hands and Caelen felt the fear he had hit him full blast. She was rejecting him. He took a small breath and straightened his posture to pull his hand away, to make things easier for her, but she didn't let go. Instead she touched his palm gently and Caelen realized she was inspecting him. Searching for more proof that he was a vampire. He looked up to meet her gaze and it was calculating as if she still hasn't make her decision yet.

He thought the worst was over but it wasn't, he was still waiting for her to react and at least when he thought she rejected him he had easily accepted it. Now he was anxious again and he was sure that if his heart was still beating he would have had a heart attack waiting for her to respond by now. Just when Caelen thought he was about to faint in the most unmanly way from anxiety she responded and gave a slight squeeze at his hand. Her words caused him to release one breath he was holding for what seemed like years as he relaxed again. She wasn't afraid of him, or well she could be but she wasn't making it obvious and that warmed his heart, if that was possible for a vampire.

"No I'm not the only one here" He responded her question but said nothing else. He knew other vampires in the castle and as a matter of fact there were some on the dance floor not to far from them, but it wasn't his place to point them out and so he wouldn't. She moved closer to him and Caelen found himself lost in the blue orbs of her eyes again as she spoke. The question though did set him back some, he wasn't really expecting it. But he supposed it could have been worse, she could have asked about his eating habits and that would have killed him.

He looked at her intently as he thought of her question, he decided to answer her honestly, she seemed to handle that very well and so he thought it was the best way to go. "It's a little... frustrating... to be around humans" He spoke and broke her gaze momentarily to look at their hands again before moving back to her face. "It's overwhelming... tempting... alluring" He sighed and continued holding on to her gaze. "But I'm in complete control" He spoke again trying to make her worries go away if she had any. "There are actually more important things to occupy my sense of smell at the current moment, like your lovely perfume" He said with a smile and hit himself mentally. That had to be the most creepy thing he's ever said to a woman and he was sure now she hated him. "I mean... I have no fears with you right now, I think I'm to captivated by your presence to wonder about other things" He flashed her a charming smile as he tried to express himself the best that he could and he thought he did a very good job.
Aife waited patiently as Caelen gathered his thoughts. It was obviously hard for him to unveil these things to her. She suspected, though, that as she got to know him better, she would probably have figured everything out. It made her feel good that he was entrusting these things in her. No, I'm not the only one here, came the first answer. She nodded, it made sense that there would be more of his kind. The thought made her wonder who else was a vampire, and her gaze followed his to the dance floor. There were a few students who now looked suspicious to her, standing a little farther from other people, their pallid skin glowing in the candlelight. But maybe she was just paranoid. With her own flaxen skin, and how shy she was around people, she probably could have fallen under the category. But that didn't mean she was a vampire, obviously.

Aife returned her gaze to his, their eyes meeting. His own was thoughtful, calculating, like he was weighing the odds on how well she might take things. When he spoke, his words came slowly, his voice hesitant. It came as no surprise to her when he admitted the frustration he felt to be around humans. Though the mention of the temptation their presence produced tugged at her a bit. She wondered how tempted he was now, to change her, or feed on her. She wasn't quite sure how things worked, and wondered how closely she resembled a hearty meal. Looking down at her thin self, she smirked. Probably more like a lean one... she thought. How could she joke about something like that? The thought was absurd, and she chastised herself for thinking so.

But I'm in complete control...

Aife returned her gaze to his, her mind registering his comment. His face was trusting, honest. She realized that she believed him. Probably, he couldn't sit so close, hand clasped with hers, if he weren't in control. He didn't even look hungry. His next words brought a grin to her face.

"You find my smell more important than your nature?" she asked, a small laugh escaping her lips. "I didn't realize it was that good..." Aife turned his hand over in hers, running a nail along his life lines. She looked up at him, wondering if her next question would be okay. "What makes it harder? For you to be around us, I mean", she asked. Her fingers stopped, settling into his palm. "Do you have to keep watch at all times? Aren't you ever afraid you would lose control?" The questions were coming quickly now, and she realized she was curious. "How do you know you're in control? How do they let vampires live among the humans? Is there any accountability?" Aife stopped, and looked at Caelen. "I'm sorry..." she said sheepishly. "I am rambling, yet again. She looked down at their hands and then returned her gaze to her date. Not wanting to make him mad, she excused the questions. "You don't have to answer, of course", she claimed. "I'm just, erm... voicing my curiosity."
Caelen watched her as her expressions changed barely. She was thinking over his answers he assumed but she didn't make it obvious. In fact she acted as if his words didn't bother her at all, but he knew better. He wasn't stupid after all. He was still waiting for the moment when he's said to much and she ran out and away from him, though he was trying to keep that from happening he knew it was a possibility with the question she was asking. Despite that fear he decided he would give her all honest answers, it would be better to do so now than to lie to her and make things worse the more they got to know each other. He didn't want to risk losing her so soon over something that he could have admitted to when she asked.

Caelen was actually quite proud of himself for doing so well, ever since his attention focused solely on her he became no longer nervous about the overwhelming scent of blood that clouded the air. Too many humans at once usually caused a problem but as he told Aife it seemed her presence drowned out everything else, and he had no problems being here with her. Though he's already decided it was because he held strong feelings for her he still couldn't explain why his vampire nature wasn't being bothered, but he didn't want to waste time searching for an answer as it meant he would have to stop thinking of her.

She answered his slip up about her smell with a laugh and Caelen was unable to stop the grin that formed on his face before he spoke again. This time with no shame or nervousness in his words as he decided that there was nothing else that can make it more awkward. "It's... intoxicating" he answered her with a smile deciding that was the best description he could give her at this time. Her fingernails ran along his hand and Caelen found himself watching the small movements she made as he enjoyed her touch, probably more than he should he thought to himself glumly and sighed. She spoke again and Caelen found his eyes drawn to her face again as he searched for the best answers to give her while she continued to speak.

She stopped suddenly and turned to look at him as she gave an apology that Caelen dismissed just as quickly. He didn't mind the questions, well he did a little, but it meant she was still willing to be friends with him so that made him not care for them to much. He was willing to answer anything she asked he realized, no matter how many bad memories it might bring up for him. "It's alright" He answered her with a wide smile "Nothing wrong with being curious" He added to his statement and looked down at their hand quickly before looking up at her again. "I don't mind them actually" He spoke trying to reassure her as he decided to answer what she's asked before.

He thought about her first question and he realize he couldn't answer it. He wasn't really sure what made it harder to be around them, he suppose that was mostly the vampire's fault than the human's. He took a breath trying to form his words as her other questions ran through his mind, and he was trying to see how to fit it all into one short answer so he didn't give her one long speech. "Not everywhere let vampires live among humans" He decided to start with the last thing she said first as it was the easiest to answer. "People aren't really accepting to that sort of... danger" He said with a sigh at using danger, there he just told her he wasn't dangerous and now he was telling her he was. "But that's why we keep it secret, it might cause madness if the wrong person found out there was a vampire in their classroom... people would freak out and demand that they left..." He spoke glumly as he dropped her gaze while he spoke.

This was one of the few things he had problems speaking about. He wasn't one to voice his insecurities to people but he said he would answer her honestly and so he planned to. "As for what makes it harder, I think it depends more on the person's ability to resist the blood-lust" He spoke taking a breath, this was something that might scare her. He realized that but he was too far in to back out now plus he refused to. "I try to stay away from crowded places as best as I can" He spoke more quietly now as he waited for her to run out any minute now. "Because it's harder to be around a crowd of people than it is to be alone with one person... for me anyway" He added glancing at her so that she understood not all vampires acted the same way. "But it's because when I was turned I isolated myself from all humans for years, so to be around a lot of them at once is..." Caelen paused looking up quickly to catch her gaze as he pulled his hand away from her's gently.

"Well there's always the chance I wouldn't be able to stand it anymore, but I usually feel that moment quickly approaching and I leave if it does so that I don't risk hurting anyone" He spoke and brought his arms in front of him on the table. He wasn't quite sure why he did so, he supposed he felt ashamed to be admitting such things to her and the part of him that felt like a monster didn't want her touching him. It was almost as if he didn't feel worthy. "I think I only gave you more questions... I'm sorry" He said with a sheepish smile as he looked at her quickly. "I... I'd understand if... I mean" He started speaking and found himself stumbling over his words. "If you... want to leave I mean..." He tried again glancing down quickly, he was offering her a chance to get away from him so she didn't feel obligated to stay. "I won't be offended" He added looking at her and hoping she understood what he was trying to tell her.
The edge of Aife's lips turned up, half smiling in hesitant acknowledgment of Caelen's comment on her questions. She was glad he didn't mind them. It made it easier for her mind to wander over the subjects flitting through her mind, rather than push them back and stunt her curiosity. How many people had he told? How many people at the school knew? Surely it was a requirement to disclose your blood line. She remembered her grandmother completing her school forms, listing the generations of her family as proof of their Veela and Pure blood collaborations. It never occurred to her that there might be others than pure and Muggle, half and Veela.

The face that sat opposite hers was thoughtful, considerate. As if Caelen didn't want to reveal too much at one time, yet searched for the best way to let her know everything. His lips pursed, the pale skin puckering, and he breathed deeply, his mind in conference. Aife nodded as he admitted the repression administered to Vampires, in preference of humans. She understood; after all, how would a human ever be able to kill a Vampire? It would be like leaving a baby with a mentally ill murderer. She blushed at the thought, it wasn't the same. But if they lost control... there would be little difference. Except maybe much less twisted, much less painful.

People aren't really accepting to that sort of danger...

Her thoughts were echoed by his observation. She felt ashamed that she'd thought so, though it was probably beyond true. Her head clouded as he continued to speak, scenes of what the word danger would mean, flashing across her mind, it refused to halt the ministrations of her imagination. She realized he'd probably thought the same at one time or an other; maybe even more often than that. One scene passed, his lips burried in the crook of her neck, his porcelain teeth sinking into her pale skin, the warm rush of blood... She coloured fiercely, the warmth rushing into her cheeks. The thought terrified her, would he ever do such a thing? But somehow, she was able to trust that he could withstand the urge. And that she could help him if possible.

Blood lust...

The term made her eyes flash to his own, her orbs wide. It made sense; that it would be referred to as such. She found herself wondering what blood tasted like to Vampires. Obviously delicious. The memory of her single experience with her grandmother's whiskey came to mind. It was delicious, hot, thick, filling. But then came the burning, the rush of fire that engulfed her throat. She imagined it might be something like that; the intolerable burning, yet the first taste so incredibly delightful, it left you needy... yearning. It was hard to imagine that blood was be so wonderful that there was no payment for it's intake. Her eyes returned to his, returning from it's removed focus, and centering on his own.

Aife let him finish, appalled when he revealed his thoughts, that she might shy from the discussion, that she might leave him alone, disgusted with the person he was. It dawned on her that when he'd withdrawn his hand, it was as if he were releasing her. She shook her head urgently, her forehead wrinkled with concern. "You think I would just leave? Because of this?" she asked, her voice terse. "It isn't as if I would never see you... wewould pass in the halls, at least. I couldn't just ignore you for the rest of school..." she said. Her face smoothed, calming, before she spoke again. "I am not one to abandon friends at the first sign of exigency, Caelen."

Aife sat back, her hands folding over themselves in her lap. Piqued, she looked out on the dance floor. Slowly she calmed, as she realized that he didn't know her well, how would he know that she wouldn't run? That she wouldn't abandon him? Her mind returned to the subject of blood, how it affected him. A thought occured to her, and she looked at him curiously. "Do you lust for blood now?" she asked slowly, searching for words to form a question that would not disturb him. She hesitated, not sure if she even wanted to know the answer to the question waiting eagerly on the tip of her tongue. "Do you lust for mine?" She searched his eyes, hoping for a glimpse of what he was thinking. Oh, what she would give at times to be able to read minds.
As Caelen sat waiting her reaction he could feel his unbeating heart ready to leap out of his chest. Anticipation was torture and his mind was buzzing with the million different ways he thought she was going to reject him. He told her he wouldn't be offended and that was true, why would he be?. No, Caelen knew by now how others reacted to learning their friend was a blood thirsty monster, he knew that as cool and collected as she seemed her heart was racing. He could hear it, literally hear it that is, enhanced hearing made it so nothing was left out. He could hear everything that was going around him and usually Caelen was able to tune out his surroundings but with his nervousness he was finding it hard to control anything. That included the paranoia he felt every second of everyday except now it was ten times worse as he waited for the girl he had such strong feelings for take her chance at an escape.

He now wished he never offered her a chance to leave, why was he so foolish to actually give her an opportunity to escape. That thought sounded terrifying even to him as the only thing that quickly crossed his mind was if he didn't want Aife to escape than she wouldn't be able to, she wouldn't even stand a chance at trying. That's why he did it, the horrific thought opened his eyes again as he realized why he was telling her she was free to leave, free to ignore his existence, free to pretend this night never happened. It was because of thoughts such as those, thoughts that her life was in danger by being only in his presence and that's what calmed him again.

Though he didn't want her to leave, he actually didn't think he would be able to survive if she walked away from him. He realized how overdramatic such a statement was as he barely knew anything about the girl but he couldn't help how he felt about her and he couldn't live with pushing her away. Which was a shock to him, within his ten years of being a vampire Caelen perfected the cold mask that sent chills down people's spine and drove them away. He excelled in the art of wall building as he made sure no one ever got close to him and when he felt like they were near to breaking his wall he pushed them away. But he couldn't picture doing the same with Aife, he couldn't imagine himself driving her away. It would pain him beyond words can explain and that was one of the reasons he felt as if he was going to jump up and take back his offer, or beg her to reconsider, whichever worked best. He knew it was a selfish thought but he never said he wasn't selfish, he was in Sournois after all and they weren't known for being the most selfless of the bunch.

She answered him than, after what to Caelen seemed like umpteenth hours, she replied in a way that made him feel both idiotic and relieved. He watched her face as she spoke, obviously angered by his proposal, that was not a reaction he was expecting. Not once did the thought that he in a way insulted her occur to him, he wasn't meaning to, he was just trying to help her. Well that's what he told himself, really he knew it was just his own paranoia that led him to believe Aife would leave him like the other people he cared about did. She couldn't blame him though could she? well yes she could, he assumed something terrible about her, he felt horrible and there was no excuse for it. Her words lifted him, and he found himself believing them. Another shock, Caelen was possibly the most skeptical person in France and here he took in all of Aife's words and held on to them. Tightly at that, maybe he just wanted to believe them, as to him it means she cared for him at least a fraction of what he did for her.

She spoke his name and Caelen released a breath as his hand reached out as if to touch her but he pulled back just as quickly. He still wasn't able to let her touch the monster, he didn't feel deserving of such a thing. "I didn't mean to offend you..." He started, speaking quietly as his eyes locked on hers "I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry" He sighed deciding that was all he could say to her. He couldn't go into details telling her why he assumed it in the first place, he wasn't sure he really wanted her to know how broken he really was, not yet anyway, maybe when they got to know each other more she'd realize it on her own.

Aife broke his gaze and looked around the dance floor as she started to calm and Caelen found his eyes wandering also. He felt ashamed for what he said to her and he really wanted to make it up to her, no matter what it takes. She turned to look at him and spoke with a question that completely knocked him out of his reverie. What a question, he saw this coming of course but the little part of him that liked to be hopeful hoped she wouldn't ask it but than again hoping was for people that weren't damned, or that's what he decided on a long time ago. He inhaled a lung full of air as she spoke again and Caelen literally felt every muscle in his body tense up. How was he suppose to answer that, he wouldn't lie, he said he wouldn't but why would she ask that when the truth would scare her.

"I..." Caelen started with a deep sigh as he looked at her "It's faint" He decided on saying as he watched her. It was faint, the lust that he felt, very faint actually but with her mention of it the feeling seemed to grow and Caelen felt himself began to worry. The whole night was going along great so far without any need or want to feed but of course Caelen still had the small feeling at the back of his mind. Now though, things were getting very bad very quickly. As his mind was on the matter of her blood it seemed it was the only thing he was able to focus on now. The sound of her beating heart that grew faster each second at his answer, the rushing sound of the blood flowing through her seemed to grow steadily louder and Caelen was almost sure he could now see the artery beneath her skin.

He looked down quickly at the thought as he found it extremely hard to concentrate on anything but the smell of her, it was enticing. More so than he actually thought it could be and Caelen was becoming very afraid for her. Without another thought he stood up abruptly and released a deep sigh as he looked at her. "uh... I'm sorry" He spoke quickly and quietly, not even able to hear his own words over the thumping noise in his ear. "I just... need to... go" He spoke again almost in a mumble "Sorry" He repeated quietly and gave her a sincere and apologetic look before walking away from the table. He thought for a moment how insane people would deem him if he covered his ears and ran out but he didn't want to embarrass his date, or ex-date now that he was more or less ditching her, and took a look around quickly as he exited the ball room.
Aife stared at Caelen, desperate to glean some form of understanding from his features. He looked disappointed... hard... conflicted. His body was still as a statue, his every muscle visibly tightened in response to her inquiry. Her eyes closed, she took a deep breath, and opened them again. Be still... she thought. On his own time... She sat patiently waiting for him to speak.

I... It's faint...

Aife expected more- an explanation, an extension of his words, anything. Anything besides this horrible, uncomfortable silence. Her eyes watched over him, taking in every ounce of tension, the icy form of his features, the way his fists curled in his lap. Caelen was motionless. Completely so, that she wondered if he'd frozen in the room heated with so many bodies. She leaned closer, just a tad, trying to sense the change in him, what had caused such immense stillness.

Aife jumped, her heart thudding, when his head dropped quickly, his gaze directed toward his lap. She felt the need to reach out, to offer help. Her hand began it's journey before she withdrew it. "Caelen?" she asked, her voice sounded small and insignificant. "Are you okay?"

Aife was just about to scoot closer, when Caelen jumped up. She sat back quickly. Her eyes followed, gazing at him confusedly. His stutters surprised her, she was sure she'd never heard anyone stumble so carelessly over their words so much as she had from her friend tonight. "Caelen, really..." she said, trying to reason with him. His apolagies came quickly, his excuse was lame. She sat confounded, as he left her alone in the room full of amorous couples.

It took her a minute to realize where she was in her evening. She looked around, dazed, at the crowd moving around her. Caelen was gone... and there she was, sitting like an absolute dolt. It was obvious she'd been left, a few party-goes sat staring at her, their faces pitying. Aife took a deep breath, attempting to gather what little dignity she could muster. Her chair scraped loudly against the hard stone floor; she didn't bother to push it back in as she stood. Instead, she made a bee line through the surge, to the wide open doors.

The hall was empty, everyone had filtered in and was enjoying the party. Aife stood, looking around at the array of corridors that Caelen could have chosen. Sournois... The name came to her like a brazen flame. She remembered vaguely the map of the school she'd recieved when she'd been accepted. The Sournois dorms had been placed somewhere nearby...

A pair of students, both tall and glamourously robed, swished past her, heading for a set of stairs nearly invisble to the naked eye. She followed, assuming by their countenance that they belonged to the more selfish house. Sounds about right, anyway Aife thought, as she followed them down the stairs. The hall twisted and turned, becoming colder and damper as she went. The pair were soon out of sight, the turns coming closer together, before she finally came to a massive, horrific Raven. She looked at it hesitantly- there was nowhere else to go, the hall ended quite soon. The Raven arched oevr her, it's tall wings extending from it's body. "Erm... Sournois?" she squeaked, instantly feeling rediculous.

Aife turned, and trudged down the stone hallway, passing a threesome of boys joking loudly on their way to the dorms. She wrapped her arms around her, now would have been a perfect time to have a shawl... As she ascended the steps, she could hear the jolly chatter filtering through the entrance hall from the dance. Tonight could have been so perfect... why did she have to ruin it by asking such a stupid question. She chided herself, thinking of things she could have asked instead, things that would have been easier for him to answer. His face came to her mind, so cold and hard, his jaw set determinedly. She wondered why he'd had to leave the table. He'd been doing so well, too. It's faint... he'd said quietly. It couldn't have been her blood, or anyone else's. Unless he was lying. Aife dismissed the thought at once, why would he have lied to her?

A sudden thought came to her. Maybe he hadn't been lying. But before, when they'd discussed blood, they weren't exactly talking about it in the same way. Her mind returned to the moment his posture changed, his form becoming rigid. Was it harder when he actually talked about it? Or maybe he'd just thought about it more, paid more attention to it. She wondered if he'd paid any of that attention to her own blood. A shiver rode her spine as she tried to imagine what could have been going through his mind. Had he been close to... doing it? She trembled, for the first time that night, truly afraid of what could have been. It was fine for him to be a vampire, she was sure she could handle that. But what if he lost control? What if he someday turned on her? Would it be quick? Could he suffice with just drinking from her, or would he have to continue, till she was void of all blood? Or what if it wasn't quick? What if it was slow- what if it was painful? A thought occured to her. What if it was more hurried, if he tore into her rather than taking his time? Ravishing her until her body was torn to bits, her bones broken, blood splattered everywhere.

A boy bumped into Aife, a girl skirted her side. She realized she'd been standing in the middle of the hall, outside the Rouerie common room. She entered quietly, her thoughts weighing heavily in her mind. The room, then the stairwell, passed Aife by, as she strode sullenly to her room. She opened the door, and shut it carefully behind her. All lights were off- she'd forgotten that it was light when she'd been getting ready. Her body leaned against it, weak. For the first time in her life, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't call on her normally reasonable mind- it was screaming, no pleading, for her to abandon her friend. And she knew what her Grandmother would say if she sent Basil her way. Pack your bags- you're coming home or something along those lines. Her head sunk into her hands, and angry tears welled in her lids. What should she do?

Dorian curled around one leg, his purrs vibrating through the thin material of Aife's gown. She stood, clutching her bed post to pull herself up, and made her way to her closet. It still stood open, and she slipped off the creme gown, settling it carefully into it's protective bag. An old tee shirt peeked out of one drawer, and she grabbed it, slipping it over her head. She struggled with the neck- she'd forgotten her head full of curls. Finally finished, she climbed into bed, sliding under the icy sheets. Her legs moved back and forth, trying to heat the cold material. Dorian jumped onto the bed, coming to curl around Aife's pillow.

Her thoughts returned instantly to Caelen, and his flight from the dance hall. He'd been gone in less than a second. Aife was sure she'd never found out so many important things about a single person in one night before. Sure, it all fell under one category, but oh the information he'd shared! It felt good that he'd trusted her with that, at least. As for the reason he'd left her alone- she wasn't sure what to think. But in the quiet darkness, as she lay recalling the memory of his form, his demeanor and it's changes throughout the night, the warmth in his eyes as his hand reached out for hers, she realized something. It was his choice, whether he could be around her or no. He alone knew his limits, what he could take, and what he couldn't. If was tempted at all, she was sure he'd do what he could to prevent the worst. She just wasn't sure she knew what the worst was. The scene displayed in her mind as she'd stopped before the Rouerie entrance came to mind again. Aife shuddered, burrowing deeper into her pillows. Dorian mewed inquiringly, his head peeping up. "It's okay, boy... just thinking", she excused. She sighed, her body was exhausted from the night- who knew how tiring such thought provoking matters could be? She lay still, hugging her pillow, the questions, events, and mysteries of the night flitting through her mind, as she waited for sleep to take her.

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